Wednesday, August 25, 2010

James 2

So I started School today and, I Know this school year is going to be a hard one cause I have no friends that are on fire for God except for my brother,Luke Warm maybe but not consumed by the love of Christ. So Amber I'll be calling you when I need some Jesus talkin!!!

I woke up really early this morning and Had the best quiet time I have had since I've been home!
If you keep the royal law found in scipture, " Love your neighbor as yourself" James2:8
The royal law, (Lev 19:18) This Law of love is called "royal" because it is the supreme law that is the source of all other laws governing human relationships. This law and loving the Lord your God with all your heart I promise is the two things you need to live your life off.
Yeah I know your probably thinking "well Lacy what about the ten commandments are you saying I don't have to live by those." Absouloutly not, see look If you Love God with all and everything that you are then yuor not going to Worship other Idols, you won't say the Lords name in vain, you'll definatly keep the Sabbath day Holy. And if you Love all the worldly folks then your not going to want to Kill anyone, your not going to want to steal from anyone , your gonna want to tell the truth to all! So you see whole point of life is to Represent Christ and to Be like Christ towards others.

Gotta admit it I have have a hard time showin a little bit of Love to the Lukewarmers... At School today I saw it again. People just live to please, I knew going into this school year it would be hard for me knowing I'm IN LOVE WITH THE KING IF KINGS and theres to many pepole in this world who just know the King and they seldom find thereslves going to Christ cause they want something or their hurt,NOT to love on Him. Just being honest that really realy makes me mad, and makes It hard to Love them, Knowing how awesome the Lord is and how much Joy I get out of his unconsuming Love. Today Before school God showed me this Verse
One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not. Romans 14:2-4
After reading that verse I was thinking to myself all I have to is Walk everyday, everywhere with Christs' love! People will want what I have cause Gods Love works that way and i will Be myself for Cristand he will do the rest.
On my trip to Africa a man told us Live Our Lives everyday not by how much we Love Christ But Live everyday off Gods Love..... What I took from that was, sometimes we want so bad for the world to see how much we love Christ and we shove it down peoples throats cause we Think we are better then they are but all Christ wants from us is a relationship, cause if we give all our soul to him he will guide us even if it gets hard. if we live Off that Love Than It will be a heck of a lot easier not to be so condeming cause your only focused on your and God's friendship no one else's. So it won't be as hard to love others as you Love yourself.

This is what my Queit time this mornig I know Its a little more than just James2 but I figured thats Ok!


  1. Lacy, this is something I struggle with as well and God has been really working on my heart in it. I also find it very hard to love and not judge fellow believers who say they are christians, and yet seem to have no passion for God that overflows into their daily lives. I hardly ever find myself judging non-believers, but when it comes to the church I have been very judgmental and condemning in my heart.

    What God has shown me, though, is that He loves each and every person the same, and that our focus really needs to be on HIM. Because when our focus is truly trained on Him, and we are seeking His will and guidance in our lives, He is going to give us the compassion and grace and love to show to others, and maybe even lead those people onto the right path by having them follow our example. But if I'm judging them in my heart and letting pride start to creep in, what is there in that that they should be following? So it really does stem from us being wholly committed to Christ, and allowing Him to work on our hearts and remove any pride that is trying to rule us.

    Another thing I learned is that there are different kinds of judgement. True, it is wrong to judge and condemn others, even if they are doing wrong, but God does give us the ability to discern, and in the 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 it speaks about our role not to judge those in the world, but that we should hold believers accountable and rebuke those who claim to know Christ but live their lives in sin.

    So it's not "judging" to notice that who Joey (just using a name as an example) says he is at church doesn't match up with what he acts like at school. We're discerning that the fruit of Joey's life does not match up with what he says he believes, and it's our responsibility as believers to other fellow believers to look out for each other, and know when something doesn't match up. However, if I'm sowing seeds of anger in my heart toward Joey, bad-talking him behind his back and saying he's not a "true believer" like me...that's the bad judgement. Does that make sense? I'm still learning this myself, so I don't have all the answers, but this is what God has been showing me.

  2. Woah. I know exactly where you're at LuLu.

    Last year I had such a problem with judging people in my school. It made me so sick how they could carry on about such worldly things and then show up at church acting like the most godly person. And for a while I just had such a bitter attitude towards all of the people.

    Then, after a lot of prayer, I stayed with "I'M IN LOVE WITH THE KING OF KINGS" then got to the sad truth, how can those people be going into church each week and hearing the message yet not be completely consumed by God's love? And now it completely breaks my heart - the fact that it's right there in front of them! They're hearing it, they have the opportunity - how are they missing out? How do they hear about the same God I do and turn away? My heart breaks every time I think about it, I mean, how do you think it makes God feel? Of course I still get angry, but now it's more of a sadness. How do they not get it, you know?
